Origins and Destinies

  The Dark Powers That Bind - Destiner Press Titles

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Section 7. EUROPE

Celtic Serpents, More Bull ~ Monky Business ~ Norse Thunder & Lightning ~ The Great Wave of Darkness ~ Acknowledgements.


Celtic Serpents, More Bull

The Celts were an ancient Indo-European people who reached the pinnacle of their influence and territorial expansion during the 4th century BC, extending across the length of Europe from Britain to Asia Minor. They were eventually eclipsed by the expanding empire of Rome. When Julius Caesar invaded Gaul (France) he reported in 52 BC on five of the most common Celtic gods already worshipped there: Mercury, as the most honoured, followed by Apollo, Jupiter, Mars and Minerva. He did not say what their previous names were in Gaulish, and the Romans soon replaced them with their own. We now know that the most popular were called Lugus (Mercury), Belenus (Apollo), Taranis (Jupiter), Teutatis (Mars) and the mother goddess Matres or Matronae. Add to this two other important deities, Taruos Trigaranus (The Bull) and Cernunnos (Cronos). They are of course all character combinations of Nimrod, Cush and Ham, with a great deal of overlapping.

Lugus was the European version of Mercury (Hermes). Thus we find this version of Nimrod called after the most ancient name of his father, the third god-king of Uruk, Lugalbanda. In Ireland he was simply called Lug, and his feast, the Lugnasad on August 1st, is retained today as Garland Sunday. "According to Caesar the god most honoured by the Gauls was ‘Mercury,’ and this is confirmed by numerous images and inscriptions. His Celtic name is not explicitly stated, but it is clearly implied in the place-name Lugudunon (‘the fort or dwelling of the god Lugus’) by which his numerous cult centres were known and from which the modern Lyon, Laon, and Loudun in France, Leiden in The Netherlands, and Legnica in Poland derive. The Irish and Welsh cognates of Lugus are Lugh and Lleu, respectively, and the traditions concerning these figures mesh neatly with those of the Gaulish god." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Ancient European Religion, Celtic Gods, Std.Ver.1999)

In England, the city of Carlisle was "formerly Luguvallium, ‘Strong in the God Lugus’…he was one of the most powerful and impressive of all the ancient Celtic deities." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Lugus, Std.Ver.1999) In Ireland, a triad was ascribed to Lugus and several dedications to him are in the plural. In Wales, the legend tells of his birth from a virgin.

Belenus is of course Bel (Baal), but in Celtic myths he was often loosely identified with the sons Apollo, Mercury and Mars (all Nimrod) rather than the father Zeus (Belos, Cush). Sometimes identified as Grannus, his guises and attributes are numerous, but we know for certain that he was a pastoral god and associated with cattle. "A great fire festival, called Beltine, was held on May 1 and was probably originally connected with his cult. On that day the cattle were purified and protected by fire before being put out to the open pastures for the summer." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Belenus, Std.Ver.1999) Amongst his many symbols were thunderbolts and the radiating sun-wheel. It is not certain that he was worshipped as the solar sun, but in Britain he was referred to as the "divine son" or "divine youth." "He appears in medieval Welsh literature as Mabon, son of Modron (that is, of Matrona, ‘Divine Mother’)…He was the son of Dagda (or Daghda), chief god of the Irish, and of Boann, the personified sacred river of Irish tradition." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Ancient European Religion, Celtic Gods, Std.Ver.1999) Here then is Belenus (Baal, Bel) the son of Dagda (Dag, Dagon, Enki, the grain and water god), having come overland all the way from Mesopotamia via Canaan to the British Isles and celebrated in the May festival, the Beltine (also spelled Beltene, Beltane, Beltaine). And it is quite likely that the Phoenicians also brought him here by sea.

eu_belenus_coin_bronze_cunobelin_c30ad.gif (17440 bytes) 1. eu_taranis_detail_stone_austria.gif (17749 bytes) 2. eu_taranis_gundestrum_cauldron_denmark_danish_national_museum_c200ad.gif (17505 bytes) 3.

Fig.7a. 1. Belenus, coin. 2. Taranis the thunderer, stone pillar, Austria. 3. Taranis, Gundestrup Cauldron detail, Danish National Museum, c.200 AD.

"Taranis (Celtic ‘Thunderer’), whose name was noted by Lucan (a first century AD poet), was later identified with Jupiter; taran means thunder in Welsh…the god of the sky and of thunder, and his symbol was the wheel." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Celtic Religion, 15th.Ed.1974) This is without a doubt the Celtic version of the storm god (Zeus, Baal, Bel, Enlil) complete with lightning bolts and the sun-wheel of Shamash, although in his case the wheel represented the thundercloud. Taruos Trigaranus (The Bull) is clearly the same old bull-man-god of Sumer, based on Taurus-Tammuz-Dumuzi and every other version of Nimrod.

Teutatis (Toutatis, Teutates) more closely matches Mars, the mighty Nimrod deified as the god of war. His name, from teuta, means tribe or people, and we know exactly who his original "teutonic" tribe was in Mesopotamia. He is also associated with Mercury (Hermes) and the reason for this double identity is again that "the Celtic gods are not rigidly compartmentalized in terms of function…so that either one may plausibly be equated with Teutates." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Ancient European Religion, Celtic Gods, Std.Ver.1999) Teutatis is also loosely connected with Mithra, the god of oaths, and the Gauls used his name in vows, swearing their promises and allegiances "by Toutatis."

"Most notable among the female deities are the mother goddesses, of whom there are many effigies." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Celtic Religion, 15th.Ed.1974) "It is in fact impossible to distinguish clearly between the individual goddesses and these mother-goddesses, matres or matronae, who figure so frequently in Celtic iconography, often, as in Irish tradition, in triadic form. Both types of goddesses are concerned with fertility and with the seasonal cycle of nature…both drew much of their power from the old concept of a great goddess who, like the Indian Aditi, was mother of all the gods…Welsh and Irish tradition preserve many variations on a basic triadic relationship of divine mother, father, and son." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Ancient European Religion, Celtic Religion, Std.Ver.1999)

In France, the mother goddess was called Marne, the river by that name being her personification. In Wales she appears as Modron or Matrona (Divine Mother) the husband of Teyrnon (Divine Lord) and mother of Mabon (Divine Son). In Ireland her husband is Dagda (Dagon). When the Anglo-Saxons migrated to England from Germany in the 5th century AD and mingled with the Celts they introduced one of the most important versions of the European mother, the fertility and spring season goddess Eostre (Ishtar, Astarte, Easter). But it was not until the Christians adopted her name for their festival that she became well known. Under the influence of Christian priests, like "saint" Patrick (5th century AD) in Ireland or the "venerable" Bede (c.672-735 AD) in England, it was not long before all the "mothers of god" were replaced with just one - Mary.

Myths abound regarding Patrick, that he banished snakes form Ireland and explained the concept of the trinity by using a shamrock leaf. This is all utter nonsense. Patrick introduced the worst form of the Serpent to Ireland, and the trinity was there long before him, with or without a female in the triad. "Lugus was sometimes thought of in the plural, and the Matres were adored in triple form. There are as many as 32 images of a three-headed god extant on the Continent, and some have been found in Britain and Ireland." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Celtic Religion, 15th.Ed.1974)

Both Taruos the Bull and another god were sometimes portrayed with three birds above their heads. Here is that other god, all the way from Babel via Greece, and very popular in Britain: Cernunnos (Cronos) meaning in Celtic "The Horned One." In Anglo-Saxon he was also known as Herne (Horned) and Zernebogus (Zero-Nebo-Chus, Nimrod or Nebo the Seed of Cush) from whose name the words bogus (fake) and bogeyman (devil) are derived. Kernunnos is another form of his name, and may be the origin of the word kernel (seed) and the name of the first coastal county originally called Kernow (grain wall, now Cornwall) in England to which the ancient Phoenicians likely sailed to trade with the tin miners. The circular Celtic and Cornish "crosses" are certainly very similar to the seed-disks and sun-wheels of the gods of the Near East.

eu_cernunnos_gundestrum_cauldron_denmark_danish_national_museum_c200ad.gif (28847 bytes) 1. in_shiva_pashupati_mohenjodaro_delhi_museum_c2000bc.gif (17664 bytes) 2.

Fig.7b. 1. Cernunnos, sitting in the yoga position, holding the disk of life and a serpent, Gundestrum Cauldron, Danish National Museum, c.200 AD.  2. Siva Pashupati, "Lord of the Animals," cylinder seal, Mohenjo-daro, Delhi Museum, India, c.2000 BC.

"Another mysterious deity is the horned god Cernunnos, who appears on the Gundestrup Cauldron in the yoga position, with the horns of a stag, and surrounded by animals, including a Serpent…Here Cernunnos strongly resembles the Indian god Siva Pashupati (‘lord of the animals’) on a seal from Mohenjo-daro now in the Delhi Museum. He is also portrayed on the Paris ‘altar,’ again in the yoga posture, and with the horns of a stag…In Britain the Horned God is widely attested." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Celtic Religion, 15th.Ed.1974) At Saintes, in France, Cernunnos appears twice on one monument, on one side accompanied by a female consort, and on the reverse side sitting in the yoga posture accompanied by bulls.

eu_cernunnos_apollo_hermes_reims_marne_champagne_france_c100ad.gif (28315 bytes) 1. eu_cernunnos_yoga_wheel_stone_pillar_tara_churchyard_ireland.gif (21012 bytes) 2. eu_cernunnos_3headed_gallic_trinity_beaune_museum_of_fine_arts_bourgogne_france.gif (20779 bytes) 3. eu_cernunnos_coin_petersfield_hampshire_england_c28ad.gif (17077 bytes) 4.

Fig.7c. 1. Cernunnos of Reims, in yoga posture between Belenus-Apollo and Lugus-Hermes, holding the serpent and a bag of coins, stags at his feet and a rat above his head, Marne, Champagne, France. 2. Cernunnos in yoga posture below the wheel of life, stone pillar, Tara churchyard, Ireland. 3. Three-headed Cernunnos triad, another horned creature above, Altar of Beaune in the Beaune Museum of Fine Arts, Bourgogne, France. 4. Cernunnos coin with the sunwheel between his horns, Petersfield, England, c.28 AD

Note the yoga positions of Cernunnos and the comparison with the Hindu god Siva. This is not some isolated coincidence, as the section on India will reveal, with many similar surprises. These gods are all clones from the same dark source. Cernunnos was a god of all life: fertility, birth (winter solstice, December), death (summer solstice) and the cycle of "rebirth" (spring solstice). Like many Hindu versions, he is frequently accompanied by the Serpent. He was also often shown holding a bag of money, signifying worldly wealth. No doubt this popular god figured prominently in the druids' belief in reincarnation as well as their custom of burying people with earthly possessions for the afterlife. The English coin shows the sun-wheel between his horns similar to Egyptian deities. It is interesting to note that the early Christians in Britain declared Cernunnos to be an evil lord, a kind of antichrist. They were right to smell a rat, but what they brought was even worse. They replaced him with the Antichrist, the greatest Substitute (Vicar) of them all, the Holy Father of Rome, along with Mariolatry (single mother of god worship replacing the former plurality), celibate priests and nuns, houses of god (built right over the previous shrines) and priests performing sacraments, the whole Babylonian system presented in Christ’s name.

Monky Business

Bede was not venerable; he was venereal. Like "saint" Cuthbert, and others from the monastery on the so-called Holy Island of Lindesfarne, he was utterly dedicated to spreading the Roman Church for the Archbishop of Canterbury, and they kept the British Isles in the dark for a thousand years. These men were no better than the druid priests in whose stead they took control, so it is no surprise that an Archbishop of Canterbury in 2003 could be a druid as well as head of the first daughter of Rome, the Anglican denomination. The Lindesfarne monks even decorated the Bibles they produced with hundreds of pictures of the Celtic deities (the originals of these publications can be viewed in the British Museum). An image is worth a thousand words, especially to the uneducated, and this is what these priests were putting into peoples’ heads. They also did it on the "houses of god" that they built, adorning them with the mixed creatures and gargoyles of the already popular myths. That is exactly what the priests did in Babel with their powerful icons and their theology. "Like the medieval monasteries of Europe the temples of Sumer were the centers of education." (The Sumerians, Sir Leonard Wooley, p.108) This was an education not of light but of shadows, lies embellishing the truth to form the half-truths that define the nether gloom of the substitute "Lord," Baal.

eu_cernunnos_notre_dame_paris_cluny_museum_c20ad.gif (14763 bytes) 1. eu_taruos_trigaranus_notre_dame_paris_cluny_museum_c20ad.gif (18210 bytes) 2.

Fig.7d. 1. Cernunnos and 2. Taruos Trigaranus, both from beneath Notre Dame Cathedral, Cluny Museum, Paris, France, c.20 AD.

Consider this evidence from the gloom, unearthed during renovations in 1711 beneath the choir section of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris: a series of stone pillars dating from the 1st century, according to the inscription dedicated to Emperor Tiberius (14-37 AD). The collection is now in the Cluny Museum, Paris. On the faces of the stones are reliefs of Roman gods like Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus and also previous Gaulish deities like Taruos Trigaranus and Cernunnos. Taruos appears as a bull beneath a sacred tree with the usual Trigaranus (three cranes). His second name is probably derived from Tri-Uranus or Tri-Anu, the sky god of ancient Ur and Uruk, here represented as a heavenly triad of birds. Cernunnos appears with both horns encircled by a ring of life, the disk of the divine seed, the symbol carried by the bull-kings of Sumer. He is actually inscribed as "Ernenos" on this important stone. The pronunciation "Ur-Ninus" gives him away yet again as the horned son from Mesopotamia, the deified Nimrod subtly combined with Cronus. It is also critical to note that Caesar did not obliterate the Gaulish versions; he merely incorporated them with the Roman clones of Babel. That has always been the game plan of the Supreme Pontiff. And built upon this same foundation, instead of on the real Rock, stands Satan’s ace card, in its rightful place, the Christian Church.

There is a vast topic here: the divined "ley lines" across the land upon which the many churches and previous shrines were sited, inns with names like the Bull and Bush (sacred tree), and stone circles for the priests to perform their seasonal and astrological rites. But that is better left to publications concentrating on those details. There are nearly 400 Celtic versions of these gods in all; deities like Esus (Celtic: "lord"), to whom human sacrifices were made, and whom some writers have erroneously confused with the name of Jesus. Esus existed before the birth of Christ and was not himself a sacrifice; he received such offerings like the Canaanite gods of old. It is possible that Esus' name is Egyptian in origin, derived from a combination of Isis and her male lord Osiris, the god of the dead in the underworld and afterlife.

Examining all these clones is a tedious and unnecessary task; such repetition can only cloud the issue. That is exactly what the dark lord intended in offering any number of options to distract from the truth. The purpose of this book is to identify the primary substitutes as concisely as possible and prove their common source beyond all reasonable doubt. If the overall picture is presented without too much clutter, it becomes very easy for anyone to verify that both the Celtic religion and Christianity fall into the same realm of "Babylon reborn" or "neo-paganism." Both are dark powers that bind; both have a gospel from which men need to be rescued by the one authority that can do so: the Word who grants the truth which sets free.

Norse Thunder & Lightning

To keep this section short, only a few of the ancient Scandinavian clones will be named in brief. They are much easier to recognize than the Celtic counterparts and replicas, simply because they came more directly from the source. The horned Norsemen  (Northmen) even looked like the kings portrayed on Sumerian and Akkadian monuments. Also known as the Vikings  (vikingr meaning pirate), these Danish, Norwegian and Swedish warriors were farmers at home but raiders and pillagers at sea, affecting every coast around them. In their longboats they reached as far east as Kiev, naming the Slavs there “The Rus” (Russians), as far south as Spain, and as far west as Iceland, Greenland and America. England was by far the most affected, even becoming part of King Canute’s empire for a few years until 1042 AD. After the invasion of England by William the Conqueror in 1066 the Viking raids ceased. The legacy of the Norsemen in Britain is enormous, from place names to days of the week.

"Thor, deity common to all the early Germanic peoples, a great warrior… in Iceland, and perhaps among all northern peoples except the royal families, he was apparently worshipped more than any other god…Thor’s name was the Germanic word for thunder, and it was the thunderbolt that was represented by his hammer, the attribute most commonly associated with him…Thor was sometimes equated with the Roman god Jupiter, dies Jovis (Jove’s day) becoming Thor’s day (Thursday)." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Thor, Std.Ver.1999) Thor is simply another version of Taranis, Zeus, Baal, Bel or Enlil, the storm god based on the deified Cush.

"Odin, also called Wodan, Woden, or Wotan, one of the principal gods in Norse mythology…Though Woden was worshipped preeminently, there is not sufficient evidence of his cult to show whether it was practiced by all the Teutonic tribes…Later literary sources, however, indicate that at the end of the pre-Christian period Odin was the principal god in Scandinavia…From earliest times Odin was a war god, and he appeared in heroic literature as the protector of heroes; fallen warriors joined him in Valhalla…He was also the god of poets." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Odin, Std.Ver.1999)

Like the Celtic Teutatis, Odin was closely identified with both Mars (as the god of war) and Mercury (as the god of poetry), both versions of Nimrod the mighty warrior with whom the language of words was so intimately connected in Babel. Mercury’s day was replaced by Woden’s day (Wednesday) and Mars’ day with Teutatis day (Tuesday). Odin’s female consort gave us Frigg’s day (Friday). Add to that Monday (Moon), Thursday (Thor), Saturday (Saturn) and Sunday (Sol) and we have the entire week named after the source family in Sumeria, from the first days of the Sun (Shamash, Aten, Apollo, Sol) and Moon (Nanna, Dumuzi the bull) to Saturn (Cronos the horned one).

"The three main Scandinavian gods were Odin, Thor, and Freyr: Odin (or Wodan) had great magical power and wisdom and was called All-father; Thor was the warrior god; and Freyr was the god of fertility. It is possible that these gods are a reflection of the tripartite division of Indo-European society - priest, warrior, and cultivator. Among other deities, Balder, the dying god who was killed by a mistletoe branch…Cernunnos was highly significant in iconography. There was also a variety of ancestral gods and goddesses, including a ‘great mother’ of the type found in fertility cults of the ancient Middle East." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Polytheism, Scandinavian mythologies, Std.Ver.1999)

Balder, the son of Odin and Frigg, is of course a distant echo of the youth that dies, except in this version the goddess refuses to weep the tears that will revive him. As in Celtic religion, little is said of the mother goddess compared to the male deities. But she was there, everywhere, and especially worshipped in rivers and water. Her identity would soon be consolidated into one person by a spiritual tsunami that would silence the Norse thunder and replace it with a smothering captivity.

The Great Wave of Darkness

Inevitably, on top of this foundation, came Christianity, subtly absorbing and overlaying the pagan base and replacing it with submission to a new "father," new mother worship, salvation by works and sacraments, new houses of god and a new order of priests. The phenomenal success of "saint" Patrick in Ireland around 450 AD was an encouragement to the tidal wave that followed, in particular the swell that occurred after 590 AD when Pope Gregory I sat in the seat of the "little horn" of Daniel’s fourth empire with his mouth speaking great things. This was all foreseen in the apostle John’s vision, the expansion of the beast and the harlot who rides it, fornicating with every king and nation on earth. (Daniel 7:7-8; Revelation 7:1-6)

In Sweden, "saint" Ansgar (also spelled Anskar, c.801-865), the "Apostle of the North" was the first to arrive from Germany, and he employed the official Papal strategy of working with the kings in power to "institute" the "new" religion. This was not the Word of God brought to ordinary people by real apostles; this was the gospel according to Babylon, brought by its priests and bishops, and it flooded the whole of Europe. The inundation by this wave was so great it can hardly be better described than this long but necessary extract from the Encyclopedia Britannica on Christian "missions."

"Pope Gregory I the Great (reigned 590-604)…operated as a Roman emperor and greatly magnified papal power and temporal involvement. In 596 he launched, through Augustine of Canterbury, a mission to England based on gradualism and accommodation - the first papally sponsored mission. For the next 1,000 years Roman missions operated with the pope’s direction, the king’s support, and the monks’ services. Augustine’s missionaries reached England’s southern coast in 597. King Aethelberht of Kent and his wife, Bertha, a Christian, enabled them to make their base at Canterbury. Within the year the King and 10,000 subjects had received baptism…

Inspired by Irish missionary enthusiasm, the English Christians began a 500-year mission across northern Europe and finally into Scandinavia. Outstanding in this effort were Willibrord (658?-739), ‘Apostle to the Frisians’ (Friesland, Holland, and Belgium)...(and) Boniface (c. 675-754), one of the greatest of all Roman missionaries…the Christian wives of pagan kings, who led their husbands into the faith and through them hastened the Christianizing of whole peoples, also contributed to its spread. In Rome on Christmas Day, AD 800, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman emperor…Saxons in his territories faced a choice: become Christian or die. From the Holy Roman Empire, Catholic outreach into Bohemia took root under King Wenceslas I (c. 907-929), with evangelization complete by about AD 1000…

Early attempts at evangelization in Denmark and Sweden were made by a German monk, Ansgar (801-865). Canute (d.1035), Danish king of England, Denmark, and Norway…determined that Denmark should become a Christian country. The archbishop of Canterbury consecrated bishops for him, and he saw his goal realized before he died. Olaf I (reigned 995-c.1000)…sought to make his realm Christian - a task completed by King Olaf II (reigned 1016-30), later St. Olaf. Olaf I also presented Christianity to a receptive Iceland. Leif Eriksson took the faith to Greenland’s Viking settlers, who quickly accepted it. After several efforts Sweden became Christian during the reign of Sverker (c.1130-56). Sweden’s Eric IX controlled Finland and in 1155 required the Finns to be baptized, but only in 1291, with the appointment of Magnus, the first Finnish bishop, was evangelization completed." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Christianity, Christian Missions, Std.Ver.1999)

This suffocating period is rightly called the Dark Ages. What these nations received was a perfection of the idolatry under which they had already suffered. It would be a thousand years before men like William Tyndale and Martin Luther were raised up to risk their lives in giving the people the true Word and Light. During these dark generations there would always have been a "remnant saved by grace," some of whom are mentioned in The Truth Which Sets Free, but we have no idea where all these pockets of the elect existed, only that they did exist, because God ordains it so. (Romans 11:5)

What the Reformers did was short-lived, an apparently fatal wound to the beast which turned out to be temporary. (Revelation 13:1-8) The reason for this was twofold; firstly in eternal terms, because God’s plan predestined that the fourth beast should continue in power until the return of Christ; and secondly, in temporal terms, because the Reformers’ intentions were spoiled by a deadly flaw – their trying to “reform” the wicked system instead of obeying the Lord’s command to exit from it altogether. (Revelation 18:4) If you are still reading this, and finding the light dawning in your heart, and you know what it is to go to a church out of habit or because Christians make you feel the obligation, then get out without delay. The word “church” should not be in your vocabulary except as used in Scripture, to describe the pagan structure. Tyndale died to give you that truth, and it was churchmen that executed him. There is a real saint for you, not the counterfeits we have examined above. There is no salvation in a church. It is not the house of God. You do not have to sit there in guilt or vexed unease ever again, if that is not your destiny. Leave it to the goats, those who sit there in sleepy comfort, because it is their rightful home and fate.

This cannot be emphasized enough, that the fourth beast of Daniel is alive and well and rules right now, whether it is called Catholic, Orthodox, Coptic, Reformed or Protestant. In the Dark Ages, in Europe, it was primarily Roman Catholicism, and it still is today, and from Europe that particular Great Mother  has also been successfully and suffocatingly exported to entire continents like South America. Even now, in modern times, the idolatry of this healed and totally recovered creature is still unsurpassed, except perhaps by its eastern sister, Hinduism. So then, India is the next destination.

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